Cloudflare repelled the most powerful DDoS attack – more than 71 million requests per second
"Most of the attacks peaked in the 50-70 million requests per second range, with the largest one exceeding 71 million requests per second. This is the largest HTTP DDoS attack in history, surpassing the June 2022 record of 46 million requests per second by more than 35 percent," Cloudflare said in a statement.
The company estimates the requests came from 30,000 IP addresses belonging to various cloud providers during the record-breaking attack. The attackers targeted Cloudflare customers, including cloud gaming providers, cloud computing platforms, cryptocurrency companies and hosting providers.
The increasingly powerful and frequent DDoS attacks are in line with Cloudflare's recent report on such threats. The company estimates that the number of HTTP DDoS attacks has increased by 79% since last year. The number of high-intensity attacks exceeding 100 Gbps increased by 67% compared to the previous quarter. The number of DDoS attacks lasting more than 3 hours increased by 87% compared to the previous quarter.