New York, NY, USA
100,3 FM
Listen to "Z100" radio station live. "Z100" is one of New York City's most popular radio stations, broadcasting in Top-40 (CHR) format. The music they broadcast consists of Pop, R&B, Alternative Rock, Hip-Hop, Rock, EDM, and Dance. "Z100" has an audience reach of nearly 300,000,000 listeners per month and over 200,000,000 subscribers on social media. It airs live online, on 100.3 FM in New York City, on channel 12 of "Sirius XM" satellite radio.
"Z100" has a rich history and it wasn't always this popular. In 1942, the station was called "W63NY" and played light and quiet music until 1955, when it was temporarily shut down. Between 1958 and 1983, it changed name and owners several times, experimenting with music broadcasting formats while still continuing to operate on 100.3 FM.
Over the years, the tastes of the audience have changed not only in clothing but also in music. In 1990, the format of quiet music had become obsolete. Young people preferred to listen to "Alternative Rock," "Hip Hop" and "Country." And the radio station had to change along with its listeners. That's when the name "Z100" appeared - 100 modern hits, 100 popular songs of the year, 100 of the best according to the listeners' opinion – the listeners, not the administration. The change in format yielded positive results, and by the end of the year, the station was in first place among New York City radio stations. It remains a favorite of listeners to this day.
Contacts Z100:
Address: USA, 32 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10013
Phone: 800-242-0100
Website: https://z100.iheart.com